About Me

- O.M.G.
- Phoenix, Arizona
- Growing up my initials were OP, which was pretty cool in the 80's, right? Then I got married and my initials got updated to match our very texting obsessed era that we now live in (and shake our heads at)...OMG. For those who are texting illiterate, I'll spell it out..."Oh, My God!". I pity the girl whose initials are W.T.F. (I won't spell that one out. You can Google it or email me for an explaination on that one!)
To Colorado and back
Getting stuff done
Remember when I "exposed" myself on this blog post?
Well, despite life keeping me VERY occupied outside the home, I've still managed to get somethings done.
Back in June....
I got the matching wedding band to my ring. I love it and wear them all the time now.

Here I am, 30 hours later, calling my family to tell them I AM A RN FINALLY!
It has been so fun at work, signing RN after my name. Coworkers have been so great, supportive and excited for me.
At the end of this exciting week, my neice was born. I became a RN and my brother became a DAD on the same week. Long-awaited dreams come true for both of us. His dream will cost him money, my dream makes me money. But we can share, like good siblings do!
Just had to mention what happened...back in June.
exposing myself....
My desire to have these areas of my home to be purged and organized rises above any feelings of shame that these areas actually exist.
Don't get me wrong, my house is mostly CLEAN, but organized and tidy....not so much.
I am just not that kind of person who is overly motivated to keep the perfect house. Couple that with my addiction to shopping and surfing the internet....thus the following evidence.
My desire to feel proud and accomplished is deep and needy. I want to feel peace and order when I gaze about my home. And now that : 1)I am out of nursing school (automatic more time, less stress) 2)it's too hot outside to go do anything 3)we want to simplify our lifes so we can travel more....I have more than enough motivation to get some things done!
This is what has become of my lovely office table. I don't even really use my "office". I used it some during nursing school. We spend all of our time in the living room. I have "my" chair and my laptop fits nicely on the arm of the big stuffed chair. That's all I need as an "office" these days. What do people do in their offices? Please, tell me. Maybe I'm missing out on some pertinent "office" activities.
Can you tell this cool basket was ment to hold remote controls ? Sort of ?? Shoot, you can't even tell the basket is really cool! :(
Before you get all excited...this is INSIDE the green cabinet in the dining room. Can you say "catch-all"? There's some really good, important stuff in there. Just don't know where else to put it. This is a project for sure.
This IS sad. This shelf sits right in the entry way of the front door. It's been like this for a long time. Another catch-all area. I can't blame this on anyone but myself. Brian never uses the front door. I'm starting to think we need to have company over more often so I can keep on top of this stuff! Sunscreen, alcohol swabs, dog dress and CD's??? Those are all my hats. I have no idea where else to put them. I love my hats and use them all the time. They may just have to stay there.
More about Ruthie