I got the honor of going to Ruthie's 2 week doctor's appointment. She looks so much like Luke in this photo. She gained 2 pounds in 2 weeks! That's alot of milk and diapers, let me tell ya! Liliya and I got to spend lots of time together and I will forever cherish that opportunity. I get tears in my eyes just writing this. Liliya is a precious and tender person. Plus, she let me hold Ruthie as much as I wanted....and that was ALOT. Thank you, Liliya! You are my sister!

This is our very first photo together. Taken about 5 minutes after I walked in their house. I am so blessed to have a job and an understanding husband that I can just take a week off from and go be with my brother during this special time. Liliya took this photo on the first try. Isn't it perfect? And I'm very particular about how pictures should look. Looks like we could be at a portrait studio.
I thought I was going to miss my husband terribly while I was gone for 5 days but this little baby filled that void. It's great to be home but now I miss the baby terribly! Baby fills husband void but apparently, husband cannot fill baby void. :(

So glad you are enjoying her!! She's adorable and it will be fun to see her grow up!
Newborns are so precious!!
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