I've been listening to the radio talk show of Dr. Laura Schlessinger since this past summer.
Her clarity and advice have rocked my world.
After growing up on Oprah, I was not prepared for such realistic and logical information.
I bought her books.

I just read this and thought it was profound and worth sharing on my blog.
Dr. Laura writes
"Your thoughts and feelings are immediately accessible to you-you can know the thoughts and feelings of your spouse only if they tell you. But if they tell you and you refuse to listen, denounce their truths and perspectives, deny any culpability for their feelings, or excuse yourself from having to respond lovingly to their needs because you have hurts too-then , simply, you lose them-even if they are still under the same roof."
I guess this just hits me because it contains the very things I know we can so easily do yet that which I SO DON'T want to do.
It's something that I have experienced in life and have had done to others.
It's a warning and a motivator at the same time.
Can I just ask you a question?
Is there anything more important than a having a great marriage?
You made my day! warmly, dr laura schlessinger, aka "MY KID'S MOM!"
hold up...did dr. laura just comment on your blog? surely i'm misreading. she's incredibly informal if so. interesting.
but, so great to read. that is such a great quote. i might have to purchase those books. you know how i love in your face honesty. ;)
and, i so related to your thought about how it is really easy to understand the need and do it, but i just so DON'T. ugh.
great quote. great post. thanks.
and it IS so important.
If you came over- that is exactly what we would do... bake cupcakes. I bake some every day with my apron on. And high heals. Wish you would come!
Love Dr. Laura too!
I like Dr. Laura... I just she would accept the Lord as her Savior and be a voice of Truth as well as reason. :)
Just found your blog through Amanda. It's the 2nd most important thing....loving and honoring JESUS is the 1st! I do really enjoy Dr.Laura and 98% of the time I agree with her. I like how she calls a spade a spade and how much she loves and honors her husband and loves her son.
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