I became "the girl who makes the most awesome cookies" this past week. Thank you, coworkers! I'm blushing. I almost don't even recognize myself since I've gotten married almost a year ago. In a good way! I've got mad domestic skills. Let me tell you, I'm a keen observer of store ads to find hamburger meat, bell peppers, and grapes on sale. I'm getting better at using the fresh produce before it spoils. I almost always manage to have an even amount of socks to match after doing laundry. I'm even starting to work on a budget because I know it's a good idea, not because my husband asked. I know, I should change my blog title to "Amazing Domestic Goddess" (think Bridget Jones Diary...you must see that movie!)
All that being said, I obviously did NOT forget to unplug the hand blender before pushing the eject button on the whisks, only to have my finger slip from the eject button and turn the blender ON. The result of that act would get chocolate cookie dough splattered all over the wall and fresh produce sitting nearby, I did NOT do that. It was NOT me who kept this event to myself in order to share it with my husband on my blog, in an effort to get him to read my blog more often. I do NOT ask him several times a week, "did you read my blog?". I am NOT looking for approval and praise from him like a 5 yr old kid. That's silly.
Being the "Amazing Domestic and Fiscally Responsible Goddess" that I am, I try to cut down on costs and shop at the local humongous bulk wholesale store for certain items. They have a decent price on what I like to call "edible gold"...lunch meat. $8-$10 per pound is crazy! So I try to buy it in bulk and freeze...sometimes that means a trip to the wholesale store when all I really need is lunch meat. But I'll do it just because I'm so fiscally responsible. I did NOT go there this week for just lunch meat and leave with a receipt totalling over $200.
I have NOT left the bathrooms go uncleaned since my last "Not Me! Monday" post.
I do NOT have a pile of dishes in the sink and did NOT leave my $1.88/lb hamburger out on the counter for the last hour so I could write this blog. I did NOT use spell check on this, only to find I misspelled hamburger and whisks. NOT me!
Hey, you posted some great pictures!!! Way to go!
Good job at becoming a domestic diva. Cause its all over once you have kids. Kidding. YOU can be a domestic diva your wholw life!! I know it!
Many blessings!
Too funny...I like your way of thinking! So has hubby checked out your blog YET??
Please check out my Not Me Monday:
Great Not-Me's! Thanks for stopping by. The cookies look awesome!
How about a recipe for those cookies?
Is there a message behind you joining "Not Me! Monday"? Sound like its a guide blog for Mothers.
I'm not a mama but I have had to use an old T-shirt as a cloth diaper.
Ckatgo ;-}
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