Prepare to be amazed as 4lb puppy leaps with large toy in her mouth!
She's so fun!
Now, on to other things...
Until now, I haven't had the motivation to take time to put into words all that has been going on over the last month. So much going on in my head. I need time to process things. I'm learning so much about myself and the world around me. I will be 35 this year and finally feel like I really am getting "it". Life is something to be learned and lived well. That's what this past year has been about. The upcoming year will be about having fun and enjoying the fruits of our labor...CAN'T WAIT for that part to start.
First let me say that I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. It is only dimmed a bit by the 2 tests, 1 final exam, 4 clinical days, 2 group projects, 2 case studies, and 3 written papers that are all due within the next 3 weeks. Whew! Then I'm home free!
Between now and then, we are getting away for a much needed weekend away from it all. Two nights at a nice hotel, a drive into the mountains, and more RV shopping. We are taking Delilah with us for her first road trip and hotel stay. I told her to not get used to hotel living because soon enough we will be doing all our traveling in this....
We are 95% sure this is the one we want. Alot has to happen (like finish school and get a RN job)before we get it but it sure is fun to look forward to it. Time to start planning our many road trips!! We both just love this little thing. We always like the same stuff, we are just "that couple".
I got my first choice to do my 96 hour preceptorship at St. Joe's Hospital NICU! I start that sometime mid-April. I am SO EXCITED!! I'm already dreaming of babies.
I've been doing ICU clinicals for the last 4 Saturdays. It hasn't been near as exhausting as I expected. It HAS been just as amazing and exciting as I expected. The technology is facinating. I love the intensive care environment. The nurses have been really, really great to work with. I don't really do alot as a student but just being there is better than any lecture or book.
I can't believe I'm almost done with school. It makes my heart race with anticipation.
Life is GREAT. It's Spring time again. The air is warm and the sky is bright blue. My brother and his wife are having a little girl in June. Soon I'll be out of school and free to travel again. My husband says he loves me more and more everyday. My house is a mess and I don't care.
And then there's this little thing that loves to sit in my lap and gaze into my eyes...

That's all for now.