Here's a few of my favorite shots from our trip to Tucson where we were pleasantly surprised with cooler weather and a FREE 4 night stay at the RV resort. Turns out the resort was closing on the day we left so they let us stay for free. It was a relaxing and beautiful trip. We enjoyed exploring Tucson as we drove to the zoo, a garden park, RV dealerships, a transportation museum, the mall. Basically, enjoyed spending every minute together. :)
About Me

- O.M.G.
- Phoenix, Arizona
- Growing up my initials were OP, which was pretty cool in the 80's, right? Then I got married and my initials got updated to match our very texting obsessed era that we now live in (and shake our heads at)...OMG. For those who are texting illiterate, I'll spell it out..."Oh, My God!". I pity the girl whose initials are W.T.F. (I won't spell that one out. You can Google it or email me for an explaination on that one!)
4 in 1
Here's a few of my favorite shots from our trip to Tucson where we were pleasantly surprised with cooler weather and a FREE 4 night stay at the RV resort. Turns out the resort was closing on the day we left so they let us stay for free. It was a relaxing and beautiful trip. We enjoyed exploring Tucson as we drove to the zoo, a garden park, RV dealerships, a transportation museum, the mall. Basically, enjoyed spending every minute together. :)
A conjoined Gerber Daisy!
Have you ever seen anything like this before? Pretty wild, huh?
Since my birthday last year I have (in no particular order): gone to nursing school, done more school work than I ever thought possible, said goodbye to my mom and sister as they moved out of state, bought a travel trailer, felt pretty darn proud of myself, got my RN license, celebrated birth and life of my neice, celebrated our second wedding anniversary, listened to lots of talk radio, became Certified as a Hospice and Palliative nurse, been moved to tears more times than I can count, graduated with my Associates Degree in Nursing, 2 trips to California, and lots and lots of dreaming and planning for our future.
Keeping busy

I got a nice visit with her when she was 3 weeks old and now I'm returning to see her at the end of September. She will be 3 months. My husband understands this obsession and the fact that THIS ONE will never end. Love her :)
So, one day, my husband and I will take a vacay together....soon, we hope. I still haven't been to the beach but having a new niece kind makes up for that. :)
I sort of lied earlier.
School isn't a distant memory. I have sorta been getting more education.
I took ACLS and am certified now! That's Advanced Cardiac Life Support. Means I now know what's going on during a code and (gulp) may help out! I am starting a class on Identifying Cardiac Dysrhythmias. It's just a few hours a week for a month. I can't help it. I love learning about the medical field. Someday I will work in the hospital setting again, I just know it. Once this darn economy bummer thing gets better and hospitals decide to start hiring us "new" Registered Nurses. Since I've been working full time now, I've been getting alot of great feedback from people. I feel like I'm pretty darn special and I have alot to give as an employee. I am becoming more and more motivated in my thoughts on where this career can take me. Only UP! I do not want to stay in the same place in life or in my career. I don't mean place as in location. I mean, as in hierarchy. Is that bad? I have big ideas about what I can become. And now that I have my RN, I can achieve those goals. Bring it on!
I will be 35 this month. I love it. I have so much energy and excitement and confidence right now. I think all that was tempered in my 20's by fear. Fear of what I knew or didn't know. Fear of what people thought. Fear that I didn't know what I thought. Fear of being single the rest of my life.
But now, life is full and complete. And where it isn't, I know how to make it that way.
I was watching the movie "Yes!" Man today. I LOVE it! I totally feel like that right now. Bring it on! Korean lessons, guitar lessons, flying lessons, bunji jumping.....I want it all.
Patience. My husband has it. I am learning it. I'm still pretty spontaneous but he is helping me be more level-headed. We research and think through alot of my big ideas or my big "I want this now!" moments. We are perfect together. We are so very different. He catches my enthusiasm and is up for my many ideas and plans. But he is a very slow rolling rock. I think that's what I need though. (although, sometimes when he is at work, I suddenly decide to paint the bathroom and buy new bathroom fixtures!)
I also keep busy by watching my friends lives and kids via Facebook. What would I do without it? (I'd have to get out and make new friends! Yikes!)
And then, of course, there is Delilah. She is a year old now. She's still barely 5 lbs despite all the soft food we feed her. That's fine though. She's perfect. Here she is wearing (tolerating) a teal duct tape bow I made for her.