She's so fun.
About Me

- O.M.G.
- Phoenix, Arizona
- Growing up my initials were OP, which was pretty cool in the 80's, right? Then I got married and my initials got updated to match our very texting obsessed era that we now live in (and shake our heads at)...OMG. For those who are texting illiterate, I'll spell it out..."Oh, My God!". I pity the girl whose initials are W.T.F. (I won't spell that one out. You can Google it or email me for an explaination on that one!)

Avocado's the new bread!
I LOVE bread.
Seriously, my favorite memory of my first cruise is of the awesome rolls I got to eat at every meal.
But we all know how it's not the most nutritional food item (bummer!) and then to be addicted to it...yikes!
So I've slowly weaned myself off of it. My body feels better without it and I totally notice a difference when I have some (which is rare). But I can't deny that I STILL LOVE it!
The passion that my taste buds have and the chemical response...oh, the ecstasy!
Well, I think I realized a healthy alternative.
When I dip these little babies in some soy sauce and shove it in my mouth....I'm instantly happy. No kidding.
I had to stop eating to take this pic. I could hardly stand the few seconds it took.
I just made, and have now devoured, pretty much all of this yumminess.
These have cucumber & yellow pepper. Some of them I managed to squeeze in some cream cheese. I can't help that whenever I make these, I gobble them up! You may even see me pushing the cart at the grocery store while chomping on a tray of the store made ones...but my homemade ones are so fresh and much better. If you like these but don't know how to make them, just ask. I'll be glad to let you learn from my mistakes. I'm not an expert (yet!). But I did buy a bamboo mat that is supposed to make it easier to roll them up nice and tight, I have chopsticks and a few Asian vinegars and cooking wines. And we do have an Asian market close by.
It's about making healthy choices. We only have one body. It's pretty amazing and pretty darn special. I hope you are taking care of yours.
Anyway, I just wanted to share the joy!
Brussel Sprouts and all things changing....
The thing is, two months ago I would never have bought these pretty little things.
And I never would have thought to put them in my smoothie like I did this morning.
So much has changed in two months and it's about time I filled you all in on
"all things changing" in my life.
I've been meaning to write about what's going on for bit now. But I got a miserable test grade on my last test so I've been too bummed to focus on all the goodness I had to write about. I just found out that my grade was adjusted and all the sudden my writers block lifted! Phew! I ended up with the grade that I FELT I would earn when I was taking the test. The initial grade pretty much shocked me and Brian had to experience my post-test rant and raving. He's proving over and over what a great husband he is!
Enough about that. Here's what I'm drinking now...vanilla hemp milk, instant coffee, mocha mix, ice and a secret ingredient that I will tell you about if you keep reading. Oh, and when I snapped this picture, the numbers on the clock just happened to be my date of birth! How crazy is that?! :)
How did I make such a beautiful, delicious, highly caffeinated drink?
Enter "New things in my life #1"
In case you aren't already jealous of my homemade, practically free, better than Starbucks frappucino drink...I put about 6 of these babies in it. I would totally make one for you if you were here and we would be yacking about as fast as my fingers are flying across the keyboard typing this right now!!!! (whew! Take a breath, Olivia.)
"New things in my life #2" This beautiful chair was refinished and made especially for me by my talented mom. Isn't it gorgeous? This is just one of the many items I now have in my furniture stuffed home because my mom's life is in transition. We aren't exactly where this journey will take her but my favorite mom and hair stylist may be moving away from me. Things are a-changing...